Resilient, you should remember that word. In all the year of hard work I have done or will do, I will always be resilient. Like a cockroach, you might don’t like it, but they can survive atomic blasts and even the apocalypse if it ever comes. Be like a cockroach who survive in the toughest environment and thrive.

That’s what I did when I moved to the metro city of Ahmedabad. I had no backup plan and I was ready to do anything to survive here and that’s what I did. Also for many years, I lived like a cockroach so, yes, that’s why I gave that example. Here is the last 5 job I did and what I learn from them.

  1. Call center: call center job is easiest to get and hardest to do. No one will tell you what horrors await you when you join the job. Constant talking for 8 hours is one of them. it will take a mental toll on you and make you depressed. In this field, your experience won’t help you get more money as they would hire new people rather than paying you more. Dealing with an angry customer is the worst nightmare. If you work in telecom than be prepared for a shit load of curses and if you lose your temper, you will lose the job. I learn how to communicate, how to help people who don’t want your help, how to do your job in quickest possible way. I recommend to everyone who wants to start a business, please take a job in a call center to learn how to manage people on the phone.
  2. Money-transfer job: this job won’t help me anywhere, I can’t even add it to my resume, but it did teach me lots of things. Like How to work in extreme environment with 100% accuracy, value the money, how to deal with impatient customers, faster service means happy customer, dealing with mental stress, problem-solving, business expanding and most of all when to quit your job.
  3. Factory manager: no pain, no gain. If you want to be a sword, you have to face the hammer. In all of my years of working on any job, this job was the most demanding. I had to work as labor for 12 hours a day. what I learn from it was golden. I learn to manage people, ask people to work when they do not want to. Deal with people who make excuses, learning the smallest detail of work from ground zero will be profitable in future, labor work is not easy but it will make you realize how much your worker suffers, dealing with recession, keeping peoples moral high, managing a business on the downfall, happy worker means profitable business. That was one of the best things I learn from that job.
  4. Freelancing: being your own boss is a curse in disguise. You need to manage everything on your own. You need to find work, you need to communicate with the client, you need to finish your work on time and deliver. You also need to keep a tab on your finances as this is not a fixed income job. You need to make a budget and then earn that amount of money before the last day of the month. As a freelancer, you don’t control the market, so someday its lot of work and other days its nothing for a week. You don’t want to stretch yourself thin for money because it will affect the outcome of your work. You cannot accept the project when you could not finish it in time. hold on to your regulars and keep searching for a better Create a business relationship with your client but also ask them for money when its time. a new client is a new opportunity to work something different, but its also a risk of losing your work. Create an excel sheet of work and payment and always get paid weekly or bi-monthly. Do not trust a client who says more work will come in future, they just trying to lure you in. never do bulk work for a new client. Have a website on which you can publish an article which you don’t get paid off. Work with people you know, find people in mutual.
  5. In-house writer: freelancer as experience won’t look good on your resume. You need to work for a company in order to gain more experience and learn the trade of content writing. When you work for someone, you don’t need to worry about any of those freelance stuff. You get fixed income, you get to work for limited hours, you get holidays and more perks include. When you work as a content writer for a company, they demand the best from you, so now you can focus on your work. I learn SEO from my job, I learn how to write different types of article for a different I learn to write professionally, I wrote about many different things. I learn about how to manage a website, how to earn from a website, what are the white hat and black hat SEO techniques, I learn that it will take at least a year to make your website successful. I learn to follow the market trend, I learn what people like to read. I learn about affiliate marketing and how to make lots of money from it.

Currently, I am working as a freelancer from my home and I don’t know what future may hold for me. I learn so much from all of those jobs that I might have equivalent knowledge as an MBA graduate. I hope you like what I wrote and I hope it would help you as well.

This concludes my blog chatter AtoZ challenge. Finally, I was able to complete this time. I hope you enjoyed all of my posts.